Rap About Legal Issues

Rap About Legal Issues

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Hey, what’s up, legal people from every corner of the earth
Wanna talk about labor laws in Myanmar and know their worth?
From Washington state to bamboo legal issues
We got it all covered, so grab a seat, don’t miss your chance
Is crypto legal in Turkey, oh what a mystery
Let’s understand it all and make history!
Sharia law meaning in Hindi, that’s right
Laws and regulations, clear and bright
Looking for a lawyer to read contract, search no more
We got the expertise to help you soar
Does Michigan recognize domestic partnerships, let’s find out
All the legal knowledge, there’s no doubt
Render legally void, that’s a crossword clue
Find the solution, we’ll help you get through
Is datura legal in California, hear the news
Legal status, laws, and regulations, no need to confuse
From Texas law definitions to freedom of contract principle
We’ve got the info, it’s all so crucial
No matter what legal issues you need to solve
We’ve got the knowledge, we’ll help you evolve
Thanks for listening to our legal rap song
Hope you learned something and found where you belong

Fale Conosco pelo Whatsapp:

Nova Serrana: (37) 99178-0404
Luz: (37) 99178-0403
Dores do Indaiá: (37) 99968-1815

Rua Messias A. da Silva, 313 - B. Vila André de Freitas
Nova Serrana - MG
Tel: (37) 3226-3469 | 3226-6660

Av. Magalhães Pinto, 662 - B. São Sebastião
Dores do Indaiá - MG
Tel: (37) 3551-1222

Rua dos Cocais, 330 - B. Rosário
Luz - MG
Tel: (37) 3421-3378

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